Reusable cartridge

Device consists of a permanent carrier and a cartridge that is replaced each dialysis session.

Wearable device

Wearable device for optional use during the day (or when travelling, 2-4 hours)

Portable device

Portable device for treatment during sleep equipped with a 7L dialysate unit (bedside device, 7-8 hours)


WEAKID is a small portable home dialysis device based on a new peritoneal dialysis technique. The system continuously recirculates and regenerates dialysate by use of sorbents (patented) and achieves greater blood purification than conventional peritoneal treatment. Does not require high concentrations of glucose that might damage the peritoneal membrane.

Patient benefits

Easy to use, small size
Operated as a smart phone
Freedom to move during the day
Better health condition and fitness
Less pill burden

Healthcare system

Less personnel and care needed
Cost savings
Remote surveillance system
Web portal online treatment data
Less dialysate and waste
Reusable cartridges - "green dialysis"

We make life easier on dialysis